Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Elusive Scriptures

It was quite a horrible day two weeks ago when I lost my scriptures.  I didn't even notice until I went to study them one morning and they weren't there.  I remembered that I had taken them with me to all of my classes after institute so I figured that I must of left them in one of the classrooms.  Well two weeks later they still hadn't shown up in any of the lost and founds.  Then I checked my e-mail for the first time in two weeks and lo, and behold I read this:
"One of the professors found your scriptures.  He  left them for you in the Language Arts Dept, Old Main 204."
Needless to say we were finally reunited today and then I just went and checked my e-mail and look what I got:
"You can pick up your stuff in BNR 101 any time 8-5 tomorrow. Just ask Judy for it."
Yep, that's right I left them in another place just a few hours after I found them.  It's quite embarrassing.  Maybe some day I'll learn how to keep track of my stuff, but for now I'll just count on good lost and found locations throughout campus.  The moral of the story:  we should study our scriptures every day.

1 comment:

C.J. said...

Oops! Glad you found them though. You know, it is quite distressing when you think of losing your scriptures with so much personal marking and spiritual memories tied to them. In my whole Guatemala ordeal the item I was most worried about losing after we fled the scene was my set of scriptures. Thankfully, we found them. Maybe you ought to put them in your backpack?!