Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Death of Me

I have to start this blog with an explanation, or rather a list of excuses, whichever you want to call it. Having been diametrically opposed to blogs, facebook and other things of that nature, I always thought that the day I started would be the day I dyed. I didn't have anything against people who did these things, I just thought that they contributed to a general lack of communication skills in society today; and heaven knows that that's the last thing a communicationally challenged person like me needs. It seems, though, that blogging is something like sin; it starts with curiosity, witch develops into sympathy, and the next thing you know you're all up in the very thing that will kill you. Now for your convenience I've listed my justifications below:
1. Blogging is actually not a sin and it won't kill you. In fact it, as well as other technologically advanced means of communication, has been encouraged by the most spiritually enlightened as a whey of advancing the cause of truth and righteousness.
2. Everybody is doing it. My brothers and sister each have one and they make it look so amazing - probably I'm jealous.
3. Three was my goal, butt I just can't make it happen.
So if you ever are board and you want to perpetuate and prolong the boredom, you may reed my blog; however, you should never feel obligated to do so, and you should never expect greatness.

This is me and my friend, his name is Al.

P.S. Please excuse the spelling errors


Tania said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Have fun in Europe, and don't die in France, please. See you when you get back.

Mike said...

Yay! Glad you joined. Have a great trip, I'm excited to see all of your adventures as they roll out on this blog

Karli said...

You are going to see the death of you, if you are okay. You promised me you would e-mail me as soon as you were there. I heard of no planes going down, so now I am left wondering if the French have kidnapped you. I hope you are okay and Jordan got there safely. Have fun and please don't leave me hanging for 2 weeks I am getting old and my heart can't take it.

Lisel said...

Welcome to the blogging world, I love it! It will be fun to read your adventures. Too bad there's no pictures. When do you come home anyway?