Friday, September 10, 2010

A Revival

Both people who actually look at this blog have probably noticed that after nearly 18 months of silence I once again posted something. After a few failed attempts on this site at making my life look or sound interesting I lost interest and consigned myself to living without the internet masses taking interest in how I slept last night or which bar of soap I prefer. I would add that I'm in no way attacking those who do manage to blog attractively about their daily lives, rather describing what came to me as quite an epiphany. I would rather talk about issues and concepts! I don't consider myself an intellectual (in fact, right then, just saying the word in my head immediately conjured images of a bunch of weird people who think they are philosophers, or worse - who study philosophy (just kidding. . . but seriously though)) but I do like talking about current events and social issues. In short, I would like to revive my blog (I hate that word it makes me feel trendy and gross) as a means of the publication of my personal commentaries. In doing so I hope that I will always keep in mind that I don't know everything - or even anything about most things, and that it will be enjoyable. So here's to keeping my September 10th resolution to post!

P.S. I also realize that my format is ghastly and requires serious aesthetic assistance. I'll work on that.


Tania said...

So . . . I used to post often. Before I got married, I posted about once or twice a week. Back then, it was mostly my thoughts on things I was learning at school, or the goings on in the news or well, anything. I've tried to figure out what has changed. The easy answer would be to blame CJ:) However, upon more serious reflection, I think it is because I no longer know who my audience is. Back then, it was schoolmates and friends from different periods of my life. Now, it's become family and I feel that what they want is pictures and updates on my life. I don't do that as well, so I don't do it much at all. Perhaps I too need a "revival" or rather a "restoration." We'll see.
Good luck.

Karli said...

Wow, I don't know where my children came from, I guess it's the Sorenson genes. Very intelligent and very well said. It was nice to read a post from you again. I can't wait to read more.